About us

About us

Why do we breed Landseers

As the "Most ImpOrtant Persons" of our kennel our dogs have their personal pages. So this is the place for few introductory words about us humans - Silke and Burkhard Knippenberg. When we moved to our own house in summer 2000 we were sure, that a dog would join us very soon. Burkhard knew perfectly, that this dog would be a Landseer, because he owned a Landseer some time ago. And after a shOrt while Silke was enthusiastic too.

So Aika joined us in September 2000. In the first time we didn't really plan breeding. But we began to inform us more and more about dogs and dog breeding. When we heard the result of Aika's HD-examination (HD = hip dysplasia) - Aika is free of HD -, and after Aika had some very pleasant results at dog shows, we were certain: Aika shall have puppies. Aikas first litter has confirmed us: It was a really great experience to see new life developping and to take part in it's formation. It is a great joy to help to strengthen this wonderful breed.

"Von Askanien"

The Askanians were Margraves of Brandenburg long before the Hohenzollern, the later Prussian Kings, arrived from Wuerttemberg. So Askanians left their marks on our region. Albrecht the Bear, an Askanian, was the founder of Berlin, Burkhard's native town. Askanians founded the cistercian monastery of Lehnin, a sight just 9 km from our Ort. And in Dessau, Silke's native town, Askanians until 1918 ruled the Principality of Anhalt. So, what other name could we find for our kennel than "von Askanien"?

"Ascanian Dawn"

Our dutch friends Anneke und Akko are not only Landseer people. Under the name "Break of Dawn" they furthermore breed very beautiful Shetland ponies with great success. So "Ascanian Dawn" is the perfect name for our common goals.


Stal Break of Dawn

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